Friday, October 23, 2009

Wanted By Police: Me

So yesterday, while staying home sick from work, I was woken up by a phone call from my old roommate at about 8am. His tone of voice was worrisome, and he proceeded to tell me that two policemen had come to the house looking for me. They showed him a picture of a man whom he had never seen before, saying they thought I might know him. Not knowing I was sick at home, or how to give directions to my new appartment, he informed them that I no longer lived there, and that I was at work at the Ticket Office. Thankfully, he then called me to let me know they had stopped by, and that they were headed towards the office to questions me. Freak out.

Knowing that the policemen were going to the office, I called to let a co-worker know, explaining that I had no idea what was going on or why they were looking for me, and that I would call the police station to get incontact with them later. She suggested that I not even offer to do that, took my number, and said she would call me after they stopped by.

Just a few minutes later, I received a call from a 'restricted' number, and so answered as cordially as possible. It was a police officer, who asked if I knew a man by the name of "C.A.," a name which I have never heard before. After telling them I didn't know the person, he proceeded to discribe him as 6ft, 300 pounds, and several chins. Personally, I enjoyed this discription, but again told him I was unfamiliar with the man, and that I was confident I would remember such a person. He accepted my answer, then double-checked that I was the Gina Smith who lived at 123 Augusta Dr., where I lived about 5 months ago. After telling him I hadn't lived there in a while, he thanked me for my time, saying that was all he needed from me.

Relieved, but rather confused, I hung up, and noticed I had missed a call from work while on the phone, and I had a new voicemail. I checked it immediately, to hear the receptionist tell me that the policemen had stopped by and told her that I was not at all in trouble, that they were just looking for a man they thought I might know, and so she gave them my number. That's all fine, but wouldn't it have been cool if they had added that "not at all introuble" part to the beginning?

Anyways, I called her back to let her know that everything was cleared up. She told me that while talking to the policemen, they told her that C.A. is thought to have an infectious disease and is supposed to be quarantined, but is not, and that he may be spreading the disease purposely.

So... I am left with only about a million questions. Just a few:

  • What disease?

  • STD?

  • Why was I supposed to know this person?

  • Did he live in my old appartment complex?

  • Do I have some connection with such people that I am unaware of?

  • Will I ever get to know the answers to any of these?!

Thats my odd-ball story of yesterday.

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