Monday, March 5, 2012

Ship Wrecked

After three months of working one job or the other nearly everyday, I now find myself restless on days off . There are so many things that I want and need to do, but when I actually have time, I get so overwhelmed with the possibilities! But yesterday I finally checked one thing of the list. There is a wrecked boat just off of the Island Expressway that I drive by every single day on my way to work. And everyday for a year, I have told myself that one day I would stop to look at it. And now I can say I did.

The boat is beached right next to a dirt parking lot and a boat ramp into the river. Usually the lot is pretty full, but Sunday mine was one of only three cars. I brought the Peach with me so she could enjoy some outdoors time, too. From the road, it seemed like you could walk right up to the boat, but it was actually a few feet out. That's probably a really good thing, since it appears to have been abandoned, who knows how long ago, after going up in flames, and goodness knows I would still have wanted to climb aboard if I could have. But clearly other people were able to get closer than I was, since its now covered in graffiti scars, too.

It felt good to finally check something I'd been wanting to do off my list. After making a mental note about the things I get to see in Savannah that I would never have seen back home in Arkansas, I let Peaches of her leash to run around, since there were no cars or movement at all. I forget that she doesn't really get to just run out in the open all too often, and man did she enjoy the dirt under her feet! After the stick she picked out for fetch was all slobbery and chewed into about 10 pieces, we loaded back up in the car. It was a short outing, but it was a great reminder to me that I will never be able to live inland again.

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